Monday, April 18, 2011


Wigwam is turning two!!
I'm so happy for her and how much easier she has gotten for me/us.

I don't believe in over the top birthday parties for a few reasons. 1) It's expensive 2) she has no friends of her own yet 3) her birthday is not the next family reunion.

So for now, we are doing "fun" experiences for her birthdays. Last year we took a trip on the ferry out to Ocracoke. This year.......we're headed to the zoo!

We have invited some cousins, one friend, and the grandparents to join us if they want.

To not be a total boring mom, I am trying to do a few things fun:
cute animal invitations
zoo animal cupcakes

zoo animal sunvisors for the kiddos

zoo animal stickers

I think thats enought to celebrate and still be deemed a fun mom. The one I'm nervous about it the cupcakes...yikes! anyone want to help? advise?


  1. Super cute ideas! You're right - it's not like they're going to remember a big ole birthday party!!

  2. Very cute! Love the ideas. Can't wait to see the party photos. How is she already TWO?!!
